The Basics Behind Laser Cutting

Posted on: 30 June 2018


Laser cutting is a process that allows a laser to be used to cut material. This is a highly specialized and complex process that is used in the processing and manufacturing sector.

The Laser Is Used to Make a Hole

The first thing the laser is used to do is make a hole in the material. The laser has to bore through the material until a small hole is made. This small hole is really important. The small hole is where the rest of the cut originates from. You need to be able to go forward from the small hole in order to make the rest of the necessary cuts to the material.

The Laser Beam Works in Two Different Ways

Second, the laser beam works in two different ways. The laser beam can be a continuous wave, or it can be a pulsed wave.

With a continuous wave, the beam is kept focused on the path of the cut. The beam is kept consistent, at the same rate, with no interruptions, until the cut is completed.

With a pulsed wave, the cut is just as precise, but the laser is not as consistent. Instead of a straight beam of light, the light is designed to pulse as the material is being cut.

Both methods deliver a precise and clean cut. The chosen wave has more to do with the type of material that is being used and the heat generated by the laser.

The Laser Works on Many Materials

The great thing about laser printing is that it is designed to work on a wide variety of materials. The versatility of materials that the laser can work with is part of why this technique has become popular within the processing and manufacturing industry.

A laser can be used to cut material as diverse as wood, glass, and diamonds. The heat and intensity of the laser have to be fine-tuned and adjusted to fit the material that you are working with, but the amazing thing is that a simple laser can cut through such diverse material without switching out the blade or any other modifications.  

Laser cutting is an effective way to ensure that the material you need cut is cut in a clean, skillful manner designed to provide you with the best results. Cutting with a laser is a very precise business that needs to be planned out before any laser cutting takes place. Keep in mind that it is always a good idea to do a little practice before committing to a laser cutting pattern.