Crane Safety and How to Prevent Accidents

Posted on: 16 July 2018


Overhead cranes are used in a variety of industries, including construction, shipbuilding, and various types of manufacturing. Cranes are necessary tools used for lifting and moving heavy objects. While many jobs in these industries can't be completed without the use of cranes, they can be dangerous to use. According to the United States Department of Labor, there is an average of 71 fatalities due to crane accidents each year.

Causes of Crane Accidents

One the most common causes of crane accidents is not knowing how to properly operate one. When it comes to crane-operating services, employers who utilize cranes in their line of work need to make sure that all of their employees have the proper training and certification. There are also safety courses available that are specific to using cranes.

Other common causes of crane accidents include:

  • Using the wrong kind of crane for the job
  • Mechanical failure of the crane
  • Operation of the crane during inclement weather
  • Improper setup of the crane

Cranes can also buckle, collapse, drop loads, get overturned, and come into contact with power lines, all of which can cause serious accidents.

Preventing Crane Accidents

In order to prevent crane accidents from happening, it's important for cranes to get inspected on a regular basis. By law, all active cranes should be expected at least once a year. Besides getting inspected, it's important that cranes are assembled correctly before getting used and that they are always operated by a certified crane operator.

Other ways to prevent crane accidents include:

Complete a Plan of Action - There should always be a plan in place before a crane is used. Things that need to be discussed in the planning stage include any hazards that have been identified, load weight capacities, and how the wind is going to affect the movement of the crane. Once the plan is in place, anyone involved in working with the crane should be assigned a clear role and then sign off on the plan.

Communicate Effectively - While the crane is being used, it's important to communicate effectively with others on the worksite. The method of communication, which can be done with the use of radios, hand signals, or other means, should be determined beforehand.

Stay Focused - It is easy to become distracted on the worksite, especially in areas where there is a lot of traffic, people, and noise. It's important for the crane operator and everyone else who is working with the operator to stay focused on the job at hand.

To learn more information about the proper usage of cranes, visit or speak with a company that specializes in crane services.